Devotional Art Week 2: Stupid Pea by Ellen

There once was a Princess and a Pea,
and the Princess and the Pea
floated along
on a lovely river

called The Void.

And then one day the Princess was oh so bored
(as Princesses can sometimes be)

and she shouted at the Pea.

And the Pea
and trembled
and trembled

because the Princess had never shouted at it before,

and it
trembled so hard it split open
and it
and it

sent the Princess tumbling.

Oh No!
Oh No!
Oh No!
cried the Princess
as Everything inside the Pea came
and falling
and falling

out of the Pea,

and the Princess
and ran
and ran,

picking Everything up as she went,

and She
and tried
and tried
to stuff Everything back into the Pea,

but the Pea was no more,

And the Princess wailed,

“Oh, what a mess.”

“Stupid Pea.”

The Beginning

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